Uniform – Children on Free School Meals are entitled to free school jumpers at the start of each school year. A letter will be sent home for you to order these.
Children in the main school (Reception to Year 6) are expected to wear school uniform.
Please ensure that ALL items of school clothing, including coats and pumps, are named.
- Burgundy sweater with the school logo or plain burgundy sweater/ cardigan. (School uniform sweaters can be purchased through the school office)
- Black or grey skirt / trousers / grey pinafore dress
- White polo shirt
- Flat/sensible black shoes, plain black trainers or flat soled black boots (not white or coloured trainers).
- Optional - headscarves (plain dark grey/black/navy/burgundy with no sequins or tassels please)
- Black or grey shorts, red and white or blue and white gingham dresses may be worn in warm weather.
Studs may be worn in ears, but not sleepers or any other types of ear-ring. (but not for PE lesson/swimming)
If studs fall out, the school will not undertake to refit them.
Items which have a clear religious significance (where the child’s religion requires that an item such as a bracelet is worn) will be allowed. Where possible, we would ask that these are removed for PE.
Children in Years 5 and 6 may wear watches so long as these do not become a distraction or impede school work.
Transfers, tattoos and nail varnish are a distraction from work and should not be worn in school.
Hair fastenings should be simple and plain in either the school uniform colours or the colour of the child’s hair.
No ‘extreme’ hair styles are allowed
PE Kit
At the start of each school year we inform parents of each class’s PE days and come dressed in their PE kit on this day.
No PE kit is required for Reception class.
Years 1-6
For both indoor and outdoor games children will need:
- Navy PLAIN tracksuit jogging bottoms/sweatshirt & trainers.
- It would be good idea if children have a light weight coat eg. Cagoule for outdoor PE as we intend to do outdoor PE in all but the most extreme weather. They can also bring a hat and gloves in winter.
Please make sure that ALL clothing and footwear is clearly marked with your child’s name.
Our uniform is available from the following shops:
Embroidery in House, 182 Highgate Road, Clayton Heights, Bradford, BD13 1DS
The Uniform Shop, 10 Wade House Road, Shelf, Halifax, HX3 7PE
Our school office does not stock uniform