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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

If you have any concerns about your child's learning needs, please make an appointment to see Mrs Halpin, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo), by contacting the school office. 

We have links with Bradford SCIL Team, Bradford Speech and Language Services and the School Nursing Service. If you would like contact information for these services please contact Mrs Halpin or the office for more details.

All schools are required to write a 'Local Offer' detailing the provision which is in place for children who have Special Educational Needs or who have a disability. If you would like to find out more information on Bradford's Local Offer, please click here. 

Home Farm Primary School's local offer, SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan are all available below.

The Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation is a tool used to help children with self-regulation and self-control. This type of system puts complex feelings into 4 colours and helps children (and adults!) to improve their ability to recognise and communicate how they're feeling in a safe, non-judgmental way.

This approach teaches children to use strategies or tools to help them move between zones.  We are keen to share these approaches with our staff, parents and pupils so these approaches can be used at Home Farm Primary to support talking about emotions and developing self-regulation skills.

​The Zones of Regulation categorises states of alertness and emotions into four coloured zones of RED, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE. It is important to know that it's fine for children to experience all of these emotions while they're at home or at school.  ​There is no bad zone, but it is important to learn and use strategies that would help children get to their green zone.​ We all know it’s invaluable for children to learn about their emotions. ​Children will feel sadness in their lives. They need to recognise sadness in order to know when they are happy. We also need to teach strategies to manage anger too. Everyone gets angry (and that's ok) it's how we manage those feelings that is really impotant - so we can all stay safe.  

For more information please see the parents guide below:

SEND Complaints

The procedure for any person wishing to make a SEND complaint, is to communicate with the Teacher.  If unresolved please see the Senco Lead and finally see SLT if you wish to take the complaint further.   

For more information please see School Concerns and Complaints Policy below:

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