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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 

The Teaching staff in Nightingale Class are: 

Mrs C Whitehead (Teacher) 

Miss S Wormersley (Teaching Assistant) 

Mr E Davis (Intervention Support)

The Teaching staff in Kingfisher Class are:  

Mrs A. Lee (Teacher) 

Mrs V. Field (Teaching Assistant) 

Mr E Davis (Intervention Support)

Our PE day is Thursday, please send your child to school wearing their blues kit.

Weekly spellings and additional maths or English homework will be sent home with your child on a Monday. These need to be returned the following Monday. Our spelling test takes place on a Monday. 

If anything changes with homework or the daily routine of your child's learning, you will be contacted by either a letter or via SchoolPing. 

If you have any quieries, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher, we are happy to help. 

2024-2025 Transition Information

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