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Home Farm Primary School WEB READY 2

Welcome to our school's website

A very warm welcome to Home Farm Primary and our school website.

Home Farm Primary School is a two form entry primary school with a nursery. We pride ourselves on our caring and friendly atmosphere. Our school is a happy place, where children learn in a supportive atmosphere and all members of the community respect one another. We have high expectations for learning and behaviour. We encourage our children to aim high.

We are a central part of the community we serve. We love our diverse nature and enjoy celebrating the differences and the many things we share in common with everyone in our community.

We welcome visits to the school from prospective parents, applicants for jobs and others who have a professional interest in the work we do - we are always proud of what we have to show when people come to visit. Our visitors are always impressed with what they see.

If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Joanne Poole

Home Farm logo New(1)Book Quest letter for parents
Whole School Attendance: Week ending 21/03/25 - 95.36%
School News Feed
  • Important
    21 March 2025
    Egg Competition
    Boiled egg competition Dear Parents and carers, We are excited to announce that this year we will be running a painted boiled egg competition throughout school, Nursery to year 6. We ask if entries can be submitted no later than Friday 28th March and winners will be announced the following Friday 4th April. There will be one runner up prize and one winner’s prize per year group. The competition rules are:  One entry per child  Each entry must include a design sheet describing what materials were used and how it was all put together  Please ensure the egg is fully boiled  Your child can use whatever materials they want and make it as grand as they like with props/backgrounds etc.  Please ensure the entry has your child’s name and class on and is brought to their class teacher before the latest submission date. Thank you
  • Personal
    19 March 2025
    Red nose day
    Good Afternoon We have now sold out of red noses in school and unfortunately we are unable to get more stock, however you will still be able to buy red noses at local supermarkets and Amazon. Please can we remind everyone that Friday is non uniform day or wear something red. We are asking for a £1 donation which will be donated to Comic Relief. Thank you for your continued support
  • Important
    17 March 2025
    Red Noses on sale
    Good Afternoon Red noses will be available to purchase from today for a cost of £2.50. These will be purchased from class. Thank you
  • Event
    12 March 2025
    AWARE Autism Event at BCFC - 29.04.25
    AWARE will be hosting their annual World Autism Acceptance Day event on 29 April 2025, at Bradford Football Stadium. This marketplace event brings together charities, organisations and specialist services that support neurodivergent children, young people and their families.  It is an excellent opportunity to find out more about the support and activity options available to families across the district. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
  • Event
    11 March 2025
    Zones of Regulation - TODAY 2:30pm
    Just a little reminder that the Zones of Regulation parent workshop will be held in the school hall at 2:30pm today. The event is open to all parents and there is no need to book. We look forward to seeing you later this afternoon. Mrs Halpin SENDCo
  • Event
    10 March 2025
    Living Well’s new Adult Weight management
    Please find attached information from Living Well’s new Adult Weight management
  • Event
    7 March 2025
    Zones of Regulation Parent Workshop 2:30pm on 11.03.25
    On Tuesday 11th March at 2:30pm we will be holding a Zones of Regulation Parent workshop. We have used Zones of Regulation for a while now at Home Farm and feel that some parents may want to know about what this is, how this works and maybe use some of the approaches at home too with their own children. Zones of Regulation helps children to recognise their emotions and how this influences their behaviour. It helps them to understand how their behaviour impacts themselves and those around them, and learn what tools they can use to manage their feelings. The workshop is available to all parents and will be held in the school hall. There is no need to book, just turn up. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Mrs Halpin SENDCo
  • General
    4 March 2025
    Parents groups and information
    Please find attached flyers for various services available during March.
  • Personal
    4 March 2025
    Boiled Egg competition
    Boiled egg competition Dear Parents and carers, We are excited to announce that this year we will be running a painted boiled egg competition throughout school, Nursery to year 6. We ask if entries can be submitted no later than Friday 28th March and winners will be announced the following Friday 4th April. There will be one runner up prize and one winner’s prize per year group. The competition rules are:  One entry per child  Each entry must include a design sheet describing what materials were used and how it was all put together  Please ensure the egg is fully boiled  Your child can use whatever materials they want and make it as grand as they like with props/backgrounds etc.  Please ensure the entry has your child’s name and class on and is brought to their class teacher before the latest submission date. Thank you
  • General
    28 February 2025
    Sibs - support for siblings of children with a disability
    Sibs – is an service for children and young people aged 7-17, who have a brother or sister who is disabled, has special educational needs or a serious long-term condition. We thought this may be useful to share with our Home Farm families. Sibs can help families by providing: - information to siblings about disabilities and conditions, and tips for enjoying life and dealing with feelings - direct support for young siblings - help from our team with sibling issues at home and at school - sibling support groups for children - providing information for parents on supporting siblings. Their website is great, so I have attached a link below so parents can have a look at what they can offer. They have also released a February Newsletter, which I have attached so parents can see what is available over the upcoming months. https://www.sibs.org.uk/
  • Load more


24th February - School Re-Opens

26th February - Y5 Kestrel continue Swimming Lessons

4th March - Book Fair in school Tuesday-Friday

6th March - World Book Day

11th March - Y2 Visit Ponderosa

18th March - Y3 Great Heights Spelling Competition

19th March - Y4 Kingswood Residential

21st March - Red Nose Day 

26th March - Mothers Day & Eid gift shop

26th March - Parents Evening 3.30-5pm

27th March - Parents Evening 3.30-7pm

28h March - Easter Egg  Competition Closes

31st March - Easter Raffle tickets on Sale

1st April -Y3 Owl Class visit Murton Park

2nd April - Y3 Dove Class visit Murton Park

4th April - School Closes for Easter Holidays

22nd April School Re-Opens

23rd April - Class Photos and Y6 Leavers Photos

5th May - School Closed - May Day

8th May - Y4 Visit Eden camp  

12th May - Y6 SATs week

19th May - Y5 Activity week

22nd May - Y5&Y6 Great Heights Athletics Comp

23rd May - School Closes

9th June - School Opens

25th June - Sports Day

26th June - Y5 Visit Jodrell Bank

11th July - Reception visit Swithens Farm

14th July - Y6 Great Heights Escape Room

15th July - Y6 Leavers Disco

21st July - Y6 Leavers Performance 6-7.30pm

23rd July - Y6 Leavers Assembly 9.15am

23rd July - School Closes for Summer

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