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Our School Curriculum

The Home Farm curriculum is successfully adapted, designed and developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of all pupils from their individual starting points. This enables independence with increasing fluency. Learners study the full curriculum and a broad range of subjects are taught across whole school. We have designed our curriculum to allow for teaching, practise and repetition. 

At Home Farm we have created a curriculum which is bespoke to our children. It takes influences from a range of high quality educational resources as well as our knowledge of our children. Our curriculum is adapted, coherently planned and sequenced to build on individual skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare children well for their future. The curriculum approach is ambitious and designed to give all learners the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in all aspects of their life.

Intent: Through consultation with stakeholders we have produced the Home Farm Primary ‘top ten’ which explains our intentions for the curriculum we deliver.


· Embed transferable skills

· Meaningful and purposeful

· Broaden experiences

· Extend vocabulary

· Engaging lessons

· Exciting learning

· Practical

· Challenging

· Inclusive

· Inspire a love of learning


How do I know what my child should be able to do at the age they are at now?

The following documents give very detailed information about what we expect children to have learnt by the end of each year in school.

English programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2

Mathmatics programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2


Robust school assessment procedures support teacher knowledge of children's next steps in learning through formal and informal teacher assessments which are quality assured by a range of standardised testing materials.

Subject Leadership

All teachers lead in a subject area as outlined below. Subject leadership intention action plans are formulated at the start of the school year in line with the school action plan priorities to ensure implementation of a cohesive approach to drive the school forward. Teachers present their progress and impact for the children through their action plan across the year to a variety of stakeholders including colleagues, the senior leadership team and governors.  

Subject Leadership


Area of Curriculum Responsibility

Mrs Poole

Whole School Curriculum Overview

Mrs Durant

EYFS - 6 Curriculum development

Parent Communication including website

Mrs Halpin


Mrs Lee


Ms Ahmed


Mrs Jones


Mr Parsons

History inc, marking of significant days

Ms I Bojczuk shadowed by Miss J Barrans

RE and Worship

Mrs T Peace

EYS curriculum delivery

Design and Technology 

Miss Walker

Curriculum Leader


Miss Harrison 

Computing inc E-safety 

Mrs Wooler


Ms Bojczuk shadowed by Miss A Snowden

Modern Foreign Languages

Ms Clarke


Mrs Schofield

Art and Design

Mrs Whitehead Relationship and Health Education & Anti-bullying 

Mrs Sunderland

Miss Green 

EYFS Curriculum, provision and outdoors

Curriculum Planning

The Home Farm curriculum is successfully adapted, designed and developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of all pupils from their individual starting points. This enables independence with increasing fluency. Learners study the full curriculum and a broad range of subjects are taught across whole school. We have designed our curriculum to allow for teaching, practise and repetition. 

At Home Farm we have created a curriculum which is bespoke to our children. It takes influences from a range of high quality educational resources as well as our knowledge of our children. Our curriculum is adapted, coherently planned and sequenced to build on individual skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare children well for their future. The curriculum approach is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and high SEND needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in all aspects of their life. 

 Follow this link for a copy of the National Curriculum.

Please click on the links below to find out what your child will be learning this year.


Subject Planning

Early Years

The Nursery and Reception offer a varied, balanced, creative, systematic and challenging curriculum accessed through play and directed by the children interests and also their individual needs as assessed by teachers and support staff in the room.

The Year 1 classes work very closely with Reception and Nursery to ensure that the learning from the  Foundation Stage curriculum through play approach, is moved with the needs of the children into the National Curriculum taught into Year 1.

Religious Education

We follow the Bradford locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education. This is supported by visits and assemblies throughout the year, celebrations and our ethos of differing religions being understood, respected and valued by everyone.

More information can be found here.

Relationship and Health Education

From September 2020, all primary pupils must be taught relationships education, 
It has been made compulsory because the DfE believes children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. Most parents teach these skills at home, and the teaching in schools should build on what children learn from their parents.
In primary schools it is about healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships. That means learning how to get along with others, take turns, and resolve disagreements, and how to know when a friendship isn’t healthy and how to ask for help. It is not about sexual relationships. At Home Farm Primary Relationship and Health Education will be taught in all year groups. It may be linked with other subjects or themes or taught as discreet lessons. Details of the Relationship and Health Curriculum can be found via the link below. Consultation for parents on the content of the curriculum closed on the 20th September 2019.

We have just purchased and will now be using SCARF resources to help us in the teaching and learning of RHE at Home farm. Although the content of the curriculum has not changed the resources we now use are different to the ones shared through consultation so we have shared examples of resources via Ping, the school news letter and at parents evenings to ensure parents are kept well informed of what their children will be learning as part of RHE lessons. 

Here is a link to the SCARF website should you wish to look at the scheme in more detail. 


British Values

In order to prepare children for life in modern Britain, at Home Farm Primary School we ensure that we introduce, discuss and develop the five key elements of British Values which are:

  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths
  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual liberty

All curriculum areas provide opportunities to develop these values but in particular our Power of Reading texts, RE and RHE schemes of work.

What some of our Year 5 children say about their learning...

"I like history, it's fun to learn about what happened before"  


"I like learning about what the Romans did for us, with sewage works, houses and things we use now"


"I like maths challenges, it puts me to the test with what I can and can't do and also what I need to work harder at"


"In science we are investigators and we tested what different inks could have been used. We used bicarbonate solution, vinegar and water to tell us which pen was used in the crime. We found out which ink spread the furthest"


"I like IT and computing because I learn new things. I can make powerpoints from new information given to us"


"I like every lesson as its fun to learn here, I have been learning new things just this week. Do you know it's world religion day on Sunday 19th January"


"I like RE, learning about new religions like Ukranian and Serbian Christmas, I didn't know they had Christmas on different days to me and celebrate in different ways. They have a big festival over 2 day with a big meal on Christmas Eve with spare plates at the table for people that have died"


"I like designing and making models in a group, I like sharing ideas and compromising in the group. I learn more fixing skills"


"I like reading Cosmic facts and I learn more about him and his adventures (Liam - main character)"


"I like music on when we are learning about art, it is nice and calming"

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