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Breakfast Club

Breakfast club opens at 8.00am, please use the community entrance. Children will have a choice of breakfast from the following:

  • Fruit
  • Toast
  • Crumpets
  • Cereal
  • Cereal bars
  • Juice
  • Water
  • Porridge

Children participate in activities in the school hall until the beginning of the school day where they  go directly to their classrooms.

The following charges and conditions apply:

  • Places are available for children in Reception to Year 6.
  • Places are charged at £13.75 per place per week - paid via parentpay. This must be paid weekly in advance.
  • Weekly bookings only, places cannot be booked on a daily basis.
  • This charge will be reviewed at the end of each term to ensure there is no overall loss to school.
  • There are no reductions for late arrivals after 8.00am.
  • Places will still be charged for if children are absent.
  • Parents must not drop children off any earlier than 8.00am.
  • Once places are allocated they are guaranteed for parents.
  • Places may be withdrawn for persistent poor behaviour / safety concerns.
  • Places will be withdrawn for non-payments after 2 weeks.

If you have any further questions or are interested in booking your child a place please don’t hesitate to contact the school office either by telephone or email.

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