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We would like to welcome all parents and carers to Home Farm Nursery and we are looking forward to working together in partnership with you to ensure the best possible start for your child at school.

Please can we introduce you to the Nursery Team:

Mrs H Sunderland (Nursery Teacher)

Mrs A Cutter ( Nursery Nurse)

Miss C Schofield (Teaching Assistant)

Miss L Hayton (Support Assistant)

Mrs M Gibson (Lunchtime Cover)

Mrs J Frith (Lunchtime Cover)

Learning Journeys

Parents/carers are welcome to contribute to your child's learning journey through completing 'Wow moments' but at this current time, we are unable to invite parents into school to look through them. We will update you as soon as there are any changes to this arrangement. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Library Books

Each child will be able to take home a library book once a week. Library books will be changed:

Ladybird and Caterpillar Group - Tuesdays

Butterfly and Caterpillar Group - Fridays

Full time children can change their book on either Tuesdays or Fridays

Weekend Buddies 



Nursery have introduced 'weekend buddies'. Children are chosen each week to look after their weekend buddy at home and draw a picture in the diary. Parents are encouraged to write a short account of what their child did with their weekend buddy. Parents are welcome to add photos, but they need to be aware that the photos in the diary can be views by all parents of children taking the weekend buddy home. 


The children are offered milk and fruit every day. On a wednesday the children will have something different for snack e.g. biscuit, jelly, toast, crackers, spaghetti, etc. We ask for a contribution of £2 every half term for part-time children and £4 every half term for full time children. This will also help towards baking activities with the children. Thank you for your support.


Nursery's half termly newsletter will be available to parents on SchoolPing. Parents are encouraged to complete the 'home challenges' each week with their child

Thank you for your support

2024-2025 Nursery New Parents Information

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