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Home Farm Primary School WEB READY 2

Welcome to our school's website

A very warm welcome to Home Farm Primary and our school website.

Home Farm Primary School is a two form entry primary school with a nursery. We pride ourselves on our caring and friendly atmosphere. Our school is a happy place, where children learn in a supportive atmosphere and all members of the community respect one another. We have high expectations for learning and behaviour. We encourage our children to aim high.

We are a central part of the community we serve. We love our diverse nature and enjoy celebrating the differences and the many things we share in common with everyone in our community.

We welcome visits to the school from prospective parents, applicants for jobs and others who have a professional interest in the work we do - we are always proud of what we have to show when people come to visit. Our visitors are always impressed with what they see.

If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Joanne Poole

Home Farm logo New(1)Book Quest letter for parents
School News Feed
  • Event
    4 February 2025
    Parent/Carer support group
    Please find attached Februarys parents/carer support group information
  • Personal
    31 January 2025
    Nursery places
    Good Afternoon We will be offering out nursery places for September 2025 soon . If you would like to register your child please call the school office or download the registration form from the Home Farm website. If you have any questions please call 01274 777020 and our office team will be happy to answer questions you may have. Thank you
  • Event
    27 January 2025
    NSPCC Number Day
    Good morning everyone, It is that time of the year again! As we’re getting closer to Number Day, Friday 7th February, now is a great time to get inspired, plan your outfits, and spread the word. Your child’s class teacher will be in touch soon with details on how they will celebrate this occasion. In the meantime, we thought we’d give you a quick heads up to allow you ample time to prepare for this event. To join in on this event, we are asking the children to wear something with a number on it and contribute a £1 donation. This could be a beloved football shirt, a cap, or even a fun onesie. For those feeling adventurous, why not craft a one-of-a-kind t-shirt, hat, or transform into a giant number block, calculator or dice? Please remember this is optional and children can choose to wear their own clothes if they wish. The NSPCC needs our support more than ever. By raising money, we can help to fund their vital services such as Child line – the helpline that is always there for children and young people whatever their problems or concerns. Please donate generously and help us make a difference. We look forward to seeing your creative designs. Ms Ahmed (Maths Lead)
  • General
    20 January 2025
    JusTalk Kids
    JusTalk Kids is an alternative version of the JusTalk app, aimed at an audience aged 13 and under. As that upper age limit suggests, this social networking platform is intended to be suitable for youngsters, providing them with a space of their own to interact with a community their own age. Unfortunately, there are still risks associated with JusTalk Kids, so it’s vitally important for parents and educators to understand the potential dangers for those who use the app. The attached guide delves into the most prominent online safety concerns of JusTalk Kids, while also letting you know how to ensure that children can be protected, should they wish to create an account.
  • General
    13 January 2025
    Online Safety Update - managing Screen Time
    From using them for communication, work, shopping and entertainment, devices such as smartphones, laptops and the rest are now deeply ingrained into modern society. Small wonder, then, that young people – who’ve grown up surrounded by such gadgets – can sometimes struggle to put them down, switch them off or keep themselves occupied without them. While limiting our screen time may require a great deal of restraint, the effort can be rewarded with significant benefits to our physical and mental health. The guide attached has simple tips for helping to manage the amount of screen time in your household – encouraging the whole family to spend more quality time together and live in the moment. As always thank you for supporting in keeping our children safe online
  • Weather
    12 January 2025
    Monday extended start - 8.45 - 9.45
    Good afternoon everyone As we are all still waiting for the big thaw, please note the details below for tomorrow morning opening: School will open as normal at 8.45. We will continue to use the winter weather doors as the back of school is still not clear. Please do not use the Y6 path. To ease congestion on Cooper Lane and allow for more travelling time, registers will remain open until 9.45. If you arrive at school after 8.55 please use the main office entrance. Breakfast and after school clubs are running as normal. Please take care and enjoy the rest of your Sunday Mrs Poole


14th February - School Closes

24th February - School Re-Opens

26th February - Y5 Kestrel continue Swimming Lessons

4th March - Book Fair in school Tuesday-Friday

11th March - Y2 Visit Ponderosa

18th March - Y3 Great Heights Spelling Competition

19th March - Y4 Kingswood Residential

26th March - Mothers Day & Eid gift shop

26th March - Parents Evening 3.30-5pm

27th March - Parents Evening 3.30-7pm

1st April -Y3 Owl Class visit Murton Park

2nd April - Y3 Dove Class visit Murton Park

4th April - School Closes for Easter Holidays

22nd April School Re-Opens

23rd April - Class Photos and Y6 Leavers Photos

5th May - School Closed - May Day

8th May - Y4 Visit Eden camp  

12th May - Y6 SATs week

19th May - Y5 Activity week

22nd May - Y5&Y6 Great Heights Athletics Comp

23rd May - School Closes

9th June - School Opens

25th June - Sports Day

26th June - Y5 Visit Jodrell Bank

11th July - Reception visit Swithens Farm

14th July - Y6 Great Heights Escape Room

15th July - Y6 Leavers Disco

21st July - Y6 Leavers Performance 6-7.30pm

23rd July - Y6 Leavers Assembly 9.15am

23rd July - School Closes for Summer



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